Climbing the Family Tree

Friday, December 30, 2005

Bringing Things Together

February – July 2005

Once again a half-year passed with little progress on the genealogical side of things. With finances tight, I did not spend the money to apply for a passport and devoted my time to developing project leads.

In January, a previous client offered me a 3-month contract managing a project for him in the British Virgin Islands. In preparing to leave, I stopped by the Apple Store and purchased Reunion Version 8 software to record all of the information I was gathering.

While in the BVI, I spent a many of my evenings entering in all the information I could cull out of the Limerick and Galway ancestry reports, the records I had gathered over the years and the other material in my file.

When I returned home, I scanned in some family photos, editing out a series of headshots to add to the records in the database.

The software allows you to automatically generate web pages of your entire database. By the end of June I had entered everything I had and was ready to share it with the family. Using the space provided with my .Mac account I created a Corliss Family website.


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